INNLocal will co-design training and capability building programs and continuous redesign of local public services, through mission-oriented innovation, digital-based solutions, and with future-oriented methodologies, to create effective value facing dynamic needs of the civil society, and new local public policies for complex challenges (environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and citizenship and participation). 

INNLocal plans implement an innovative ecosystem to promote future oriented methodologies and learning, teaching, and training opportunities (active learning opportunities and skills development, modules for microcredentials, professional master)with civil society in and through local public administration in environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and citizenship and participation issues. 

INNLocal will conceptualize multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and inter-HEIs knowledge co-creation and innovative local public services. INNLocal will combine a space for collaboration between teams in different HEIs and knowledge co-creation teams that will facilitate the transfer of research results back to education and will engage local public administration in delivery of new and best local public services.